Worship Online
At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, churches and other houses of worship across the world pivoted almost instantly to providing a means for our communities to gather in prayer online. Thus, All Saints' Church began livestreaming all principal worship services in March 2020. This continues even though full in-person worship has returned. You can now join us online every Sunday via our YouTube Channel and on Facebook Live. Sermons are archived and available by podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. We encourage you to subscribe and give us a rating! While we believe that there is no true substitute for in-person worship and community life, we have been blessed by the opportunities presented by the ability of people far away from Brooklyn to join us for worship online. It's also great way to share some of what's going on at All Saints' with family and loved ones, or with someone who might be looking for a new church home. For more information about online worship, please contact the parish office. |