"Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own.
Today's trouble is enough for today." -Matthew 6:34 Dear Friends, In this time of uncertainty and fear, it is difficult to follow Jesus' advice not to worry about tomorrow. However, I am finding comfort in the opportunity to live each day for itself. We do not know what tomorrow holds, so let us trust that God's life-giving and healing grace will guide us through this time. For now, all parish activities--including Sunday worship--are continuing according to schedule. Information changes from day to day. As of Friday morning, New York State has banned gatherings of more than 500 people, which does not cover our congregation, and the Diocese has advised us to continue to gather for worship and prayer. Exceptions are for those in high-risk groups, who are strongly urged to stay at home, and those who feel sick, who absolutely must stay at home for the sake of our community's health. If you do stay at home, you can participate in our common life of prayer by using your devotions booklet and praying for those affected. Please notify the church office so that we can pray with you and stay in touch. If you do choose to attend church, expect practices introduced last week to continue. We will refrain from personal contact, and use of the common cup at the Eucharist is suspended. The State has advised us to spread out in public gatherings, so a little distance between you and your neighbor would be a courtesy. Finally, we ask that you not touch hymnals and prayer books; copies of the hymns will be distributed with the service bulletin. If you are healthy and need some grounding, our Sound Bath Evensong this Sunday at 5pm could be a wonderful way to relax into God's presence. Finally, as Scripture says, we do not know what tomorrow holds. Information is rapidly changing, so please check your inbox for updates. In the meantime, please stay vigilant and pray for those in need of healing in body, mind, or spirit. In Christ, The Rev. Steven D. Paulikas
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June 2023